What is it that you really look forward to in your life? I look forward to lazy days with my family where we sit around eating and playing. I look forward to Fridays because it means that my weekend is almost here. I look forward to family vacations when we travel away from home. I love the anticipation of a good thing coming my way. You see, anticipation is what keeps us going or what drives us as individuals. We all look forward to certain things both positive and negative. Its the way we were built.
Today I was reading the Bible and I came across a very familiar scripture. "Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done." (Philippians 4:6) What does this have to do with anticipation you ask? Everything when you think about what it actually says. The God of all is telling us not to worry period. We can totally depend on God to work it all out with our best interests in mind.
My daughters love sweets. I could deny they get it from me but many of you already know better. Being children, they would eat sweets 24/7 if their mom and I would allow it. Instead, they are frequently told they cannot have anything sweet until some later point. Now, they aren't always happy about this and sometimes get pretty frustrated with their Daddy. But I am really only looking out for their best interest.
Isn't it the same with God? We have a Father who has our best interest in mind. We can have total assurance that when we submit to him he is working it out for our good. What a promise! We can stand in any circumstance with full anticipation that God is working it out. Anticipation of a future better than anything imaginable here on this earth.
So what do you look forward to in your life? What are you anticipating?
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