It seems everywhere I look people are searching for a blessed future. Self-help book sales are at an all-time high as a result of this search. Multiple motivational speakers promote themselves as having the answers to you being blessed in all you do. Even some Pastors have gotten into the flow, offering you blessing for all kinds of small tokens of faith.
I want to be blessed. How about you? We Christians know all about blessing. In fact, if a preacher offers to pray a prayer of blessing over those interested at church, you had better head to the front with hands raised. Hands raised in praise, you ask? No, actually your hands better be raised in a defensive position because elbows will be thrown in the ensuing rush to get to the front.
All kidding aside, we do understand that God has promised us blessing in the Bible. In fact, we've been promised blessings pressed down, shaken together and running over. Now that is a good word picture of how God blesses us. So why do we seem to have so much trouble finding this blessed life? We know the promise is there but we can't seem to unlock this abundant blessing.
Today I was reading Psalm 1 in my devotional time. Now this is a scripture that many can quote from memory. Let's all say it together. Blessed is the man... Wait a minute there's that promise again. The Bible says in the very first chapter and very first verse of the Psalms that we can be blessed. Many of us fail to read on for the secret formula to unlocking this blessed life. Are you ready for the secret?
If you would rather not be blessed, please don't read any further because this is the answer to all of the searches mentioned above. If you would rather pay one of the above-mentioned instead of getting this for free, please don't read any further. If you are still reading and think you might want to give this a try, read on below.
The Bible goes on to say: "Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the ungodly... but his delight is in the law of the Lord and on his law he meditates day and night". There it is... simple but the absolute golden nugget that many in the world and church are looking for today. We don't have to live a life that is not fully blessed. This chapter goes on to describe to us that if we do these things just how blessed we will be in our lives. This should be easy, right? The aforementioned would say otherwise.
Pastor, this past Sunday, spoke about our needing to get rid of "Sin in our Camp". Could it be that we aren't seeing the "blessings" of God because we are continuing to walk in the counsel of the ungodly? Could it be that we aren't meditating in his word day and night like the formula says? Are the very people that should be sharing this path to blessing denying those desperate for the knowledge because we are failing to submit fully to this simple command?
I want to be blessed. I believe that a wave of God's blessing is coming our way. However, I believe we could miss this wave if we fail to follow God's easy plan. Blessed is the man who....
Have you ever been elbowed on your way to a blessing? Have you ever thrown one?
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