The Bible clearly indicates in multiple areas our need for devotional time with God every day. I think we all understand its importance on a certain level but fail to fully grasp the impact of not meeting with God on a daily basis. This should go beyond your preparation for a class that you teach or even the time you spend in devotions with your children. This is personal time with God.
So I'll ask the question and even enter the first comment below. What have you done this week to spend some one-on-one time with God? This isn't a contest but rather an idea generator for spending time with God.
So let the sounding off begin... maybe we can beat our record of 4 comments. ;-)
I went to Pigeon Forge over the weekend. Every morning I got up and walked around the condo neighborhood. I also went one day by myself and walked a couple of trails in the mountains. For me, walks like this are some of the best one-on-one times with God.
ReplyDeleteFor daily devotions, I'm reading Acts and "My Utmost For His Highest". I am not near perfect but I'm getting more consistent.
Ok, who's got next?
I'll go next (and I'm holding out to pass four on this one too!). I have two and one was accidental. The first is that a family I know through blog-land have been having a serious health issues with their baby. The blog-web I read have been sending out calls for prayer for these past three days. One woman (Angie Smith - wife of Todd Smith, singer in Selah) posted on her blog that sometimes posture of prayer matters. She challenged her readers to literally get on their face before God on behalf of baby Stellan. I can't say that I have done that very often, but I did do that yesterday.
ReplyDeleteMy accidental happened today as I was changing out summer/winter clothes and getting Kelsey's outgrown clothes ready to sell. It can be monotonous (and frustrating when there are ten million other things to do), but I found myself spending that sorting time praying, just sort of reflecting on the blessings we have in our lives. How blessed are we that we have enough clothes to sort and trade? What good care He takes of us, and nine times out of ten we don't even consider it. I am grateful for His mercies and provision.
(Why are my comments always so long? Is it because I am a teacher and used to a captive audience???)
To get us closer to our ambitious goal, I'll throw this one in.
ReplyDeleteEveryone always says that you're supposed to journal. I'm not really the journal type, but I've found one that really helps. It is a daily devotional that leaves space to add a couple of paragraphs. I find that the date and blank space makes me aware of how I'm doing. If I open it up to March 30th I can instantly tell that I didn't read my devotional for the last 3 days because there are 3 blank spaces on those dates. I have to get off here and get caught up.