Another excellent week in the Driven class. Yesterday Lindsay Hathcock led our second class in the series "Where Do I Fit in This Church". If you missed out, Lindsay gave a summary included below:
With the background of finding out where we belong, I thought it would be advisable to use legendary detectives to help in the search for finding our place in the Church family.
Scripture verses of 1st Corinthians 12:12, Colossians 3:16, 2nd Corinthians 9 3-5 and 2nd Corinthians 5 13-15 were used for Biblical reference and fact. The characters from our youth were used as a way of relating everyday life and as a reference to remember the scripture text.
The “Chip Monks”, “There are worse things than a report card” & “Remember Me” were included while people looked up the scripture text.
Hawaii 5-0 and the phrase “book em, Danno” referred to the only Book we really need. The Bible. And that while the human body has many parts and all have to be working optimally to have a healthy body, so it is true with the Church body as well. We ALL have a place and time to contribute and we ALL are needed to make our Church body healthy.
Barney Fife and the bullet in his pocket refer to the fact that we all need friends. No man, or woman, is an island. And we really are of no use if we are not prepared as well. This is most true when we are given opportunities each day to present our “bestest friend” to a world lost and in need of a savior, Jesus Christ. And also our need to be prepared to exemplify Christ to our world
KoJack and the blowpop refers to his phrase “Who loves ya baby”? And that while we as humans are capable of love and caring, in my opinion, this is not fully understood until we have children of our own. We are also only finite creatures who can not possibly even comprehend the endless love of our heavenly Father and the lengths he goes to protect, provide and love each and every one of us who are part of his family.
So the next time you hear about a Book, a bullet or a blowpop may we all remember to study God’s word, that we all need friends and the need to be prepared and that we are all loved beyond comprehension by our Heavenly Father.
Thanks for a great lesson, Lindsay. The biggest thing I took away was something that you said at the very beginning. You reminded us that a healthy body is not the same as a not diseased body. I wonder how often I'm satisfied with where I am because I don't appear diseased, ignoring the warning signs of what is to come. Thanks for the reminder