Thursday, February 26, 2009

Veggie Tales Wisdom

So how many of you ever watched the Veggie Tales series? Remember, they were the talking vegetables that presented bible stories from the vegetable world. Let's see there was Bob the Tomato and Larry the Cucumber, Archibale Asparagus, Mr Lunt, Pa Grape,... oh I could go on and on... Well many people remember these videos and the shows that eventually made it to NBC television. Now many people pretended to only watch these shows because of their children... but I'll admit it... I really liked them.

What many of us didn't know was the story of the creator of Veggie tales. I heard part of his story on Moody radio today and I was once again amazed at our God. The creator, Phil Vischer, was initially wildly successful with Veggie Tales as we all know. However, his story changed dramatically when he ended up in bankruptcy court and lost the rights to it all.

I won't go into all of the details of how it happened but what I found amazing is a comment he made at the end of the interview. When asked what he had learned from this experience he said something close to the following: "I forgot to totally trust in God and began to trust in myself. I lost sight of being his servant and instead began to serve things that fed my flesh... You see when Jesus said to take up your cross and follow me many of us forget that we are following him to our death. The death of our old selves and things associated with this world and the birth of a life totally dedicated to serving him."

Wow! Isn't that amazing. I had totally intended to write on a slightly different topic today but I keep getting drawn back to this same question. What kind of servant am I? Am I Real? Have I taken up my cross and followed him to my death? Maybe its something we have to check daily to make sure that we not only put the old man to death but also guard against resuscitating him.


  1. Well, I was the "I just don't get it person", but that was only because it ended at the word "Bob". John said that maybe writing the first few lines made you realized how badly you wanted to go watch "Veggie Tales". :)

    All I can say is, God is apparently trying to tell ME something. A friend of mine posted on her blog the other day about how she and her husband were having to take a stuffed animal from her son that he has had since he was one because he sucks his thumb when he has it and the orthodontist has seen damage. The posting broke my heart for him, but all I could think of was the verse about "putting away childish things". I will paste my comment on her blog on here. Maybe it will help someone else. I will also link her blog in my comment if anyone wants to see a pitiful little five year old boy saying goodbye to something he loves very much.

    My comment below:
    Secondly, the only thing that ran through my mind when I read was that verse about putting away childish things. (1 Cor. 13:11) You are having Thomas put it away not because you want to hurt him, but because you want to help him. It is hindering his growth. How much the same God must feel when we insist on keeping those things that hinder our spiritual growth. He's not some big mean God who wants to cause us pain, but rather a loving Father who wants us to grow in Him. And just as it hurts you to see Thomas face these "growing pains", God hates to see us so distracted by worldly things.

    I hate for Thomas to be sad but I really think God sort of used it to make me think. Man, maybe I should go into the ministry or something... ;)

    Her blog:

  2. Very well said Athena. I think that sums it up in a nutshell... and please don't judge me for getting distracted by the tomato. :)
