Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Bricks and Stones

In Genesis 11, we find the account of the Tower of Babel. The Bible account makes kind of a big deal about bricks. It points out how the people announced that they were going to make bricks for the big project. You're probably thinking that this isn't really a big deal after all. In a sense, it isn't. Bricks are bricks. They are pretty much interchangeable. If you lose one, there are thousands just like it to take it's place. It doesn't take a craftsman to choose a brick from a pile of bricks. In addition to being identical, bricks are easy to replace. What happens if you lose a brick? Just get another one from the pile. Does it matter which one you pick? Bricks are bricks.
I'm sure you're wondering if there is a point or if I've read one too many issues of Better Homes and Gardens. We'll see...
In 1 Peter 2, we are told that God is building a spiritual house. His own son will be the cornerstone of this building project. But notice how much different God's approach is from man's. Rather than choosing to build it with bricks, a human invention, God chooses us as living stones. The significance of calling us stones shouldn't be overlooked, because this is not a trivial matter. Bricks are uniform, identical and easy to replace. Stones, on the other hand, are unique. Stones are chosen with care. Don't miss the significance of that. If God has called you a living stone, that means that you are unique and have a particular purpose. For that reason, He has chosen you. Not randomly selected or selected due to a lack of better options. To fulfill the intended purpose, not just any old stone will do.
To build from stone takes a craftsman. Someone who understands what stones will fit in a particular place. And I can assure you that a craftsman is at work among us. As God builds this spiritual house, he has a place for you. I can be sure of this because He didn't just go out into a field and pick up a rock. He went out and purchased a stone. What is a stone worth to Him? It cost Him a son. If He was willing to make that kind of a payment for you, you can be confident that he has a specific place in the house for you.

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