Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Back to the Future

Do you remember the series of movies called "Back To The Future" with Michael J. Fox? Now those were good movies! I've always liked the idea of going back in time with future information. Can you imagine the changes you could make in your life with the information you have now? For example, what if you could go back in time to the early 80's with your knowledge of the success of Microsoft and Walmart. Do you think that knowledge might have changed some of your actions? I know it would have for me. Can anyone say stock market billionaire?

Well we could go on an on with what if scenarios concerning this idea of knowing the future. It really is an exciting idea but is in reality just a science fiction fantasy. Or is it?

We recently started a new series on the book of Daniel. Now this is a real back to the future type of book. Last week, John Riddle kicked off chapter one by introducing us to the idea that Daniel and others were able to stand in the midst of overwhelming circumstances because they had faith in God's "vision" of the future. He referenced Proverbs 29:18 where it says "where there is no vision, the people perish" and related this to God's vision (future look) detailed throughout the book of Daniel. Why was it that Daniel at the age of 14-16 could stand under such intense pressure? It was because he knew who he was and what his future held. His future knowledge changed his present actions. Vision for the future is immensely important!

So what about us? Do we understand who we are and what our future holds? How should this knowledge change our present actions? We'll answer these questions and more as we go "Back To The Future" together over the next several weeks with our study on the book of Daniel.

So as we get started, lets kick it off with a question. What would you change if you could go back in time with the knowledge you have now?

BTW - Don't miss the "Back to the Future" theme song I added for this one...:)


  1. I would change allowing wisecracking anonymous comments

  2. And risk having no comments at all? At least with the wisecracks we get something. Otherwise, we might think no one is reading this site. Naaa... that couldn't be true. Surely.

  3. If we are confident that God holds and controls the future why are we so afraid? Is fear not in direct oposition of faith? So if we have faith we know that God promises success not clamity, he promises to defend us, he promises to provide for us and he promises to never leave or forsake us. So why fear?
